Source code for AircvLibrary

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import traceback
from time import sleep, time
import aircv as ac
from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn


[docs]class AircvLibrary(object): """ Wrapper Keywords for RobotFramework to click mobile screen, based on opencv & aircv. """ def __init__(self): self.TH = 0.85 # THRESHOLD self._screen = "" self._timeout = 10 self.img_path = "" self.output_dir = "" self._mobilelib = "" self._driver = "" """only can achieve BuiltIn().get_variables() at running time""" # sys_variables = BuiltIn().get_variables() # self.output_dir = os.path.abspath(sys_variables['${OUTPUTDIR}']) def _get_appium_handle(self): if not self._mobilelib: self._mobilelib = BuiltIn().get_library_instance(CUSTOMER_LIBRARY_NAME) if not self._driver: self._driver = self._mobilelib._current_application() def _capture_background(self, filename="screen.png"): """ :param filename: the background screen :return: None """ self._screen = os.path.join(self.output_dir, filename) self._mobilelib.capture_page_screenshot_without_html_log(os.path.join(self.output_dir, self._screen)) def _prepare(self): """ update background screen """ self._get_appium_handle() if not self.output_dir: sys_variables = BuiltIn().get_variables() self.output_dir = os.path.abspath(sys_variables['${OUTPUTDIR}']) if os.path.isfile(self._screen): os.remove(self._screen) self._capture_background() start_time = time() while time() - start_time < self._timeout: if os.path.isfile(self._screen): return sleep(0.2) continue self._mobilelib._info("[>>>]:Capture Background failed") def mobile_image_threshold(self, threshold): self.TH = float(threshold)
[docs] def mobile_image_set_timeout(self, time_num): """ :param time_num: wait in N secs to capture background screen :return: None """ self._timeout = time_num
[docs] def mobile_image_set_path(self, path='None'): """ :param path: set the target image path :return: None """ self.img_path = path
[docs] def mobile_image_listdir(self): """show the target image directory's content """ self._mobilelib._info("*" * 6) if self.img_path: self._mobilelib._info(self.img_path) self._mobilelib._info('-' * 6) content = os.listdir(self.img_path) if content.__len__() > 0: for item in content: self._mobilelib._info(item) else: self._mobilelib._info("[>>>]:None Image") else: self._mobilelib._info("[>>>]:Image Path is NONE") self._mobilelib._info("*" * 6)
def _image_click(self, target, index=1): """ :param target: the target image that should be clicked :param index: select the N-th element :return: match info """ index = int(index) self._prepare() if self.img_path: target = os.path.join(self.img_path, target) else: self._mobilelib._info("[>>>] img path not set") im_source = ac.imread(self._screen.decode('utf-8').encode('gbk')) im_search = ac.imread(target.decode('utf-8').encode('gbk')) result = ac.find_all_template(im_source, im_search, self.TH) if index == 0: index = len(result) - 1 else: index -= 1 re = result[index] self._mobilelib._info(re) self._mobilelib.click_a_point(re['result'][0], re['result'][1]) return re
[docs] def mobile_click_image(self, target, index=1): """ :param target: the target image that should be clicked :param index: select the N-th element; 0 -> the last one :return: match info """ return self._image_click(target, index)
[docs] def mobile_click_in(self, parent_image, sub_image): """ click the sub image in the parent image """ return self._parse_image_in(parent_image, sub_image, 'click')
[docs] def mobile_get_image_location_in(self, parent_image, sub_image): """ get the sub image's coordinate which in the parent image """ return self._parse_image_in(parent_image, sub_image, 'coordinate')
def _parse_image_in(self, parent_image, sub_image, phase_type='click'): print 'Here is sub search img' self._prepare() if self.img_path: parent_image = os.path.join(self.img_path, parent_image) sub_image = os.path.join(self.img_path, sub_image) else: self._mobilelib._info("[>>>] img path not set") im_source = ac.imread(self._screen.decode('utf-8').encode('gbk')) im_parent = ac.imread(parent_image.decode('utf-8').encode('gbk')) im_sub = ac.imread(sub_image.decode('utf-8').encode('gbk')) intermediate = ac.find_template(im_source, im_parent, self.TH) in_rect = intermediate['rectangle'] result = ac.find_all_template(im_source, im_sub, self.TH) for i in range(0, len(result), 1): result_rect = result[i]['rectangle'] # only cmp left-top && right-down 's coordinate # rectangle[0~1]: left-top,left-down # rectangle[2~3]: right-top,right-down if self._coordinate_cmp(result_rect[0], in_rect[0]): # left-top if self._coordinate_cmp(in_rect[3], result_rect[3]): # right-down try: if 'click' in phase_type: self._mobilelib.click_a_point(result[i]['result'][0], result[i]['result'][1]) elif 'coordinate' in phase_type: return result[i]['result'][0], result[i]['result'][1] except Exception, e: print '[xxx]: %s ' % traceback.format_exc() # Todo : return valid value return -1
[docs] def mobile_get_images_num(self, target): """ get sum of the image in current screen """ return self._parse_images(target)
[docs] def mobile_get_images_location(self, target, index=1): """ get the N-th image's coordinate in current screen """ return self._parse_images(target, index, 'location')
def _parse_images(self, target, index=1, parse_type='num'): """[get the N-th image's coordinate] OR [the sum of the image] :param target: the target image that should be clicked :param index: select the N-th element; 0 -> the last one :return: the target Element's location:<x,y> """ self._prepare() index = int(index) if self.img_path: target = os.path.join(self.img_path, target) else: self._mobilelib._info("[>>>] img path not set") im_source = ac.imread(self._screen.decode('utf-8').encode('gbk')) im_search = ac.imread(target.decode('utf-8').encode('gbk')) result = ac.find_all_template(im_source, im_search, self.TH) if 'num' in parse_type: return len(result) elif 'location' in parse_type: if index == 0: index = len(result) - 1 else: index -= 1 re = result[index] self._mobilelib._info(re) return re['result'][0], re['result'][1]
[docs] def mobile_screen_should_contain(self, target): """assert current screen should contain target image """ self._prepare() im_source = ac.imread(self._screen) im_search = ac.imread(target) re = ac.find_template(im_source, im_search, self.TH) if re: return True return False
[docs] def mobile_screen_should_not_contain(self, target): """assert current screen should NOT contain target image """ if self.mobile_screen_should_contain(target): return False return True
def _coordinate_cmp(self, a, b): """ @param a: (x0,y0) @param b: (x1,y1) @return: (x0>=x1) && (y0>=y1)? True:False """ if len(a) == len(b): for i in range(0, len(a), 1): if a[i] < b[i]: return False else: return False return True